Geri Throne


December 7, 1941—Newlyweds Walt and Nora Baran reluctantly part at a train station. In one month, he’ll be home to stay. Or so they think.

Pearl Harbor has been attacked. The US is going to war.

Walt is desperate to escape the infantry. A pregnant Nora dreads losing her husband and yearns to escape the narrow confines of her immigrant upbringing.

As months turn into years, the truth of their separate lives lurks between the lines of their letters.

Can Walt survive the war? Will their frail newborn recover? Is Walt and Nora’s marriage strong enough to overcome their secret battles?

The Book Launch

It’s official! My novel, Secret Battles, will be launched on Sunday, September 12, at the Writer’s Block Bookstore in Winter Park.

Mark your calendars to join the celebration. My book will be on sale and I’ll be signing copies between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Refreshments will be served.